2020 New Wine Releases
2020 VINTAGE REPORTSummer didn’t officially arrive in Okanagan vineyards until well after Canada Day. It was a slow start to the growing season, but things kicked into gear mid July. The northern areas, notably Kelowna, were later to harvest, while Oliver and Osoyoos saw similar harvest dates, but even with the delay, the usual late-August through late-October harvest window once again held true. Smaller berry size and lighter clusters are resulting in less wine production this year, many reports stating 20 -40 percent less than their average year. A cold snap on the morning of Oct. 22 signalled the change of season. The weekend’s forecast called for sub-zero temperatures and snow flurries. That frost damaged the leaves of the grape vines, effectively ending the photosynthesis process that sees sugar and flavours accumulate in the grapes. Veteran wine makers with vineyards in various parts of the valley are drawing parallels to the 2014 vintage but suggesting the red wines will exceed the quality seen in that year. For collectors, it’s a promising note that the biggest complaint from wineries at this stage is there won’t be enough of the wines to go around.